А это еще круче. Нам пришла посылка, но почему-то в Израиль! Гы-гы, напарить уродцы кого вздумали! DHL имеет уникальный 10тиразрядный Tracking No.: и всегда на него ссылается, типа The DHL tracking no. is: 7хххххххх0
А эти аферисты какой-то левый прислали и к нему файл в прицепе, заархивированный zip-ом pdf. Если подобное получаете, открывать не рекомендую.
Достаточно глянуть на заголовок письма:
Received: from [] (helo=frv71.fwdcdn.com) by frv33.fwdcdn.com; Tue, 06 Dec 2016 10:06:31 +0200
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Tue, 6 Dec 2016 10:49:22 +0300 (+03)
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2016 08:49:22 +0100
From: DHL Delivery Service
To: anasdxb@emirates.net.ae
Message-ID: 3ae299b32975558194080177ad00ad08@sinanfurniture.com
X-Sender: mdurazo@dhl.com
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X-Ukrnet-Yellow: 40
X-Ukrnet-Flavor: lemon
А эти аферисты какой-то левый прислали и к нему файл в прицепе, заархивированный zip-ом pdf. Если подобное получаете, открывать не рекомендую.
Достаточно глянуть на заголовок письма:
Received: from [] (helo=frv71.fwdcdn.com) by frv33.fwdcdn.com; Tue, 06 Dec 2016 10:06:31 +0200
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by frv71.fwdcdn.com with esmtps ID 1cEAli-000Awu-Go
for xyxyxyxyx@ukr.net; Tue, 06 Dec 2016 10:06:31 +0200
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Tue, 6 Dec 2016 10:49:22 +0300 (+03)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2016 08:49:22 +0100
From: DHL Delivery Service
To: anasdxb@emirates.net.ae
Message-ID: 3ae299b32975558194080177ad00ad08@sinanfurniture.com
X-Sender: mdurazo@dhl.com
User-Agent: INVIVA Webmail
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Authentication-Result: IP=; mail.from=mdurazo@dhl.com; dkim= header.i= header.d=
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spf=softfail (frv71.fwdcdn.com: transitioning domain of dhl.com does not designate as permitted sender) client-ip=;
dmarc=reject header-from=mdurazo@dhl.com
X-Ukrnet-Yellow: 40
X-Ukrnet-Flavor: lemon

Bill of Lading: TAO184053
Your Ref:
Dear customer,
We tried to deliver your package at 04:15 PM on 5th November, 2016.
The delivery attempt failed because nobody was present at the shipping
address, so this notification has been sent automatically.
If the parcel is not scheduled for re-delivery or picked up within 72 hours,
it will be returned to the sender.
Please check attached file for details and schedule tracking another
delivery time.
Do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance.
Best regards,
ılcustomerservice@dhl.co am This is an e-mail message from DHL. The information contained in this communication is intended to be solely for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. Use of this communication by others is prohibited. If the e-mail message was sent to you by mistake, please do not let it read, using, copying or disclosing its contents to any other person. We accept no responsibility for damage related to data and / or documents.
Bill of Lading: TAO184053
Your Ref:
Dear customer,We tried to deliver your package at 04:15 PM on 5th November, 2016.
The delivery attempt failed because nobody was present at the shipping
address, so this notification has been sent automatically.
If the parcel is not scheduled for re-delivery or picked up within 72 hours,
it will be returned to the sender.
Please check attached file for details and schedule tracking another
delivery time.
Do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance.
Best regards,
ılcustomerservice@dhl.co am This is an e-mail message from DHL. The information contained in this communication is intended to be solely for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. Use of this communication by others is prohibited. If the e-mail message was sent to you by mistake, please do not let it read, using, copying or disclosing its contents to any other person. We accept no responsibility for damage related to data and / or documents.
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