четверг, 9 марта 2017 г.

SEMI cancels all Russian events in 2017

ведущие компании не хотят иметь дел с Россией!
Semiconductor industry trade body SEMI has announced the cancelation of its annual exhibition Semicon Russia 2017 and said it is not organizing any other events in Russia this year.
SEMI said that the move is based on feedback from SEMI stakeholders and market conditions and that it had been consulting with its members and their customers over the last six months to determine "how to provide the most value for our community in Russia."
SEMI said it continues to work with Regional Advisory Boards the determine what the Russian programming should be in 2018 and beyond.
"We would like to clarify that SEMI is NOT organizing SEMICON Russia 2017, or any other events in Russia this year," said Laith Altimime, president of SEMI Europe, in a statement.
Underlining the point the statement said:
  • SEMI is in no way involved in organizing, supporting or endorsing events in Russia this year.
  • SEMI has not been reaching out to our members and partners to attend any events in Russia in 2017.
  • SEMI has not authorized any third party to use SEMI IP for events in Russia 2017.
  • If any SEMI members receive inquiries or promotions for a semiconductor event in Russia in 2017, it is not organized by SEMI; any misrepresentation of this should be brought to SEMI’s attention.

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